Our Goals


As a Charlotte-based organization, Techies Robotics is deeply committed to community service. We believe that the skills and experience gained through volunteering can have a transformative impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. That's why we seize every opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise with others, and to help empower our community to make a positive impact.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
We are now a certifying organization for the President Volunteer Service Award (PVSA).
Please choose the button below to signup for volunteer opportunities or log your hours.
(Note: To log hours for PVSA, download the file below, fill it out and submit to techiesrobotics@gmail.com. We accept hours between 5/1/2023 and 4/30/2024.)
2022 Events
Refree at FIRST tournaments
5/2022: FTC team member volunteer at Razorback FLL Open Invitation
11/2022: FTC team member volunteer at FLLC Qualifier
1/2023:FTC team member volunteer at NC FLL Championship

Presentation at NC FTC/FLL kickoff
9/2022: FTC and FLL team gave several speeches to the FIRST teams at FIRST season kickoff

Mentor FLL teams
9/2022: Rea Farms STEAM Academy:
Hosted 3 presentations to the 2 school FLLC teams.
11/2022: The Community Policing Project:
Visited the FLLC team to mentor their rookie team.
9-12/2022: We coached 5 FLL Explore teams

Techies Robotics Summer Camps
In June/July, we held 4 robotics camps. We introduced the FIRST robotics program and taught programming, design, problem-solving, and core values.
People Reached: 40

Community Outreach
7/2022: Run FIRST booth in Greensboro During FUN 4th Festival
7/2022: Run FIRST booth in Charlotte during BrickFest Live
8/2022: Held expo at Discovery Place in Uptown Charlotte.
People Reached: 500
10/2022: We ran a booth at the Dragon boat festival to raise awareness of FIRST.
People Reached: 600

5/1/22: Techies Open House
People Reached: 200